Preclinical Research

  • Preclinical Research
  • Incidence of Neutralizing Adeno-Associated Viral Antibody Subtypes in Cynomolgus Monkeys

    Sinclair Nanopig™: From Multi-Omics Characterization to Toxicology Validation

    Tissue Biopsy Collections in Nonhuman Primates During Toxicology Studies

    28-Day Intranasal Toxicity Study of MMS019 in Sprague Dawley Rats and Dogs

    Altasciences is Ready to Start Your NHP Studies in 6-10 weeks


    Ensuring Rapid Study Start Times

    Altasciences ensures NHP and study availability! We have the capacity at our four preclinical sites to start your studies six to ten weeks following contract signing.

    At Altasciences, we remove the stress of sourcing research animals so that you can start your studies when you need to, with:

          •   Dedicated and diversified cynomolgus monkey supply agreements in place to allow for faster start-up timelines
          •   A continuously maintained and backfilled population of hundreds of naïve NHPs at our preclinical facilities

    You can schedule newly contracted NHP studies to start immediately.


    Have five minutes? Discover our extensive site capabilities:   

          •   Webpage: Full Range of Preclinical Drug Development Solutions
          •   The Altascientist: Planning Your Preclinical Assessment
          •   Webpage: The Use of Miniature Swine in Nonclinical Studies.



    Recent advances in gene therapy have allowed for diseases to be approached differently. Gene therapy was first discovered in the 1960s, but only gained commercial interest in the 1980s. It wasn’t until 1990 that the first successful gene therapy treatment on a patient transpired.

    Intricacies of Conducting Juvenile Toxicology Studies


    The Development Path to Safer Pediatric Trials

    Juvenile animal toxicity studies are fundamental in gathering safety data and identifying potential negative side effects on postnatal growth and development―ones that may be missed in standard toxicity assessments. These evaluations also provide crucial safety data required to carry out pediatric clinical trials with young patients, particularly in cases where toxicities that are difficult to assess in humans are a concern.

    Our experts can advise on and design the best testing strategy for juvenile toxicity studies. Watch this educational video for guidance on:

         •   choosing the appropriate animal model for these types of studies; 
         •   the role of miniature swine in juvenile toxicity studies; and
         •   insights on study designs and endpoints.


    For help with your specific juvenile toxicology studies, speak with one of our experts.


    Strategic Biomarker Integration


    Optimizing Drug Development With Biomarkers

    The strategic integration of biomarkers into the drug development process empowers sponsors with critical information at every stage.

    Altasciences’ biomarker services provide insight into a drug’s efficacy, safety, and mechanism of action, where we can translate findings into clinical applications and beyond, resulting in reduced timelines.

    Our Laboratory Sciences team has the scientific, operational, and regulatory acumen to offer pre-existing validated assays in multiple species and matrices, and can develop new methods to meet your needs.

    Is the assay you are looking for missing? Contact us to discuss how we can support your specific needs.

    You may also be interested in the below resources:

    Fact Sheets

    •   Flow Cytometry Services
    •   Immunogenicity Testing
    •   Immunomodulatory Drugs


    •   Key Biomarkers of Immunomodulation
    •   Altasciences' Proactive Drug Development Solution: Large Molecules

    Poster Presentation

    •   Immunogenicity Target Interference: A Novel Blocking Approach

    Understanding the effects of a drug, and how it interacts with the body, and vice versa, is critical to ensure it is safe for human use. This is where pharmacokinetic (PK), pharmacodynamic (PD), and toxicokinetic (TK) analyses step in.

    Get a Head Start On Your 2024 Preclinical Drug Development Program


    EXPERTISE Matters.

    With four strategically placed preclinical research facilities throughout North America, Altasciences can get your CTA/IND-enabling studies underway in just 8 weeks!

    We offer a full range of in vivo non-GLP and GLP preclinical studies in both rodent and non-rodent species, to assess the safety of your small and large molecules in support of upcoming first-in-human clinical trials.

    Our IND/NDA-enabling studies include:

          •   lead identification and optimization
          •   dose-range finding 
          •   pivotal toxicology (acute, sub-chronic, chronic, carcinogenicity)       •   pharmacology/safety pharmacology 
          •   bioanalysis

    Time is of the essence―let’s get started!



    Related resources that may interest you:

    •   eBook: Nonclinical Safety Testing Guide 
    •   Scientific Journal: IND Checklist for Your Preclinical Assessment
    •   Webinar: Selecting the Right Species for Your Toxicology Program


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