Preclinical Research

  • Preclinical Research
  • Assessment of Subcutaneous Radio-Telepathy Device Implantation in Cynomolgus Monkeys

    Nonclinical Safety Assessment for Small Molecules

    Nonclinical safety evaluation generally includes a characterization of toxic effects with respect to target organs, dose dependence, relationship to exposure and, when appropriate, potential reversibility. Nonclinical safety studies, although usually limited at the beginning of clinical development, should be adequate to characterize potential adverse effects that might occur under the conditions of the clinical trial to be supported.

    With over 25 years of experience in conducting nonclinical studies, you can rely on Altasciences for your program, and learn what preclinical criteria are needed to support your first-in-human clinical trials.

    Access our small molecule gantt chart

    Video — A Seamless CRO Experience 

    At Altasciences, our integrated, full-service solutions from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept are all customizable to your specific needs.

    Watch as Ingrid Holmes, Vice President, Global Clinical Operations, discusses how we help sponsors bring better drugs to market, faster.

    Contact our experts to learn more about our integrated drug development solutions.

    Intraperitoneal Alfaxalone and Alfaxalone–Dexmedetomidine Anesthesia in Sprague–Dawley Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

    Determination of Pirfenidone and Metabolites in Rat Plasma by Coupling On-Line Fractionation with LC-MS-MS

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    Microsampling volume

    Blood microsampling is a less invasive and simplified alternative to traditional venipuncture, and provides significant ad

    NHP Supply and Study Start Assurance

    Altasciences is always looking ahead. Our team of experts planned for potential shortages of nonhuman primate (NHP) supply, and took action to guarantee access. To ensure NHP supply and on-time study start dates, Altasciences entered into a four-year agreement to secure Cambodian primates.

    The Solution to Shorter SEND Timelines

    Are you currently experiencing challenges with SEND, specifically when it comes to timelines? You can rely on Altasciences to ask the right questions from the get-go, to smoothly guide you through the SEND process and help you avoid potential delays in the preparation of reliable SEND datasets for your regulatory submissions.

    Contact our SEND team today to experience the difference.

    Contact SEND Expert

    Microsampling Benefits

    As an alternative to traditional venipuncture, blood microsampling represents a less invasive and simplified collection technique, resulting in numerous benefits for preclinical and clinical studies alike. Recent advances in device technology, specifically the Mitra® VAMS® microsampler manufactured by Neoteryx, has enabled Altasciences to fully support blood microsampling programs.

    With over 12 Mitra® VAMS® assays validated for a range of drug applications and study types, we look forward to sharing our combined expertise in support of your next microsampling program.

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