Preclinical Research

  • Preclinical Research
  • 5 Red Flags That Show Your CRO Isn’t Giving You the Attention You Deserve

    Choose a CRO Who Understands Your Worth

    Like any good relationship, going steady with a CRO should be about mutual commitment, transparency, and shared goals. But what if your CRO isn’t giving you the time and effort you deserve?

    Here are five red flags that show your CRO isn’t making you a priority—and how Altasciences guarantees the support you deserve.

    1. You always have to ask for attention.

      Are you constantly chasing updates or feeling like an afterthought? It might be time to rethink your partnership. At Altasciences, we believe in the type of commitment where you never have to wonder where you stand or compete with late-phase deliverables. With a dedicated, cross-functional team by your side, you’ll always be a priority. No mixed signals—just clear, proactive updates.

    2. They keep changing plans on you.

      You’ve agreed on dates, but they’re always running late or delaying your studies. At Altasciences, size and spend don’t matter; whether you place one study or a complete program with us, we stay true to our commitment to you. And if timeline changes are a possibility, we will be able to anticipate them and present solutions before they happen. Our customized roadmaps and centralized scheduling system facilitate active timeline management, real-time responses, and proactive communication; you’ll know what activities are taking place in real time.

    3. They’re making you repeat yourself.

      If you’re constantly repeating information, they’re not putting in the effort to make your relationship easier. Think of partnering with Altasciences like a honeymoon period that never ends. With our proprietary database, Ask Albert, we capture and share your preferences, study requirements, drug information, and results across all departments and phases. That way, you’ll only have to Tell Us Once™.

    4. They’re hard to reach.

      If they take eons to respond to your calls or emails, they might be giving you the runaround. At Altasciences, you’ll never feel ignored. With a central point of contact, the same program managers will stick with you for your entire journey with us. And if you ever need extra insight, our executive team is just a call away. No games—just a partner who’s always within reach.

    5. They’re all talk.

      Promises are great, but if your CRO keeps making commitments they can’t keep, it’s time to re-evaluate.

      Altasciences won’t ghost you for the next big crush; you are our partner, not a simple transaction. We are a CRO/CDMO that’s fully committed to you and your project, and we believe in transparency, responsiveness, and the importance of being dependable and honest. You deserve nothing less.

      Discover how Altasciences could be the right CRO for you:

      The True Meaning of Moving in Unison

      VIDEO:The True Meaning of Moving in Unison

      Ingrid Holmes, VP of Global Clinical Operations, and Lynne Le Sauteur, VP of Laboratory Sciences, discuss how the synergy between our clinical and bioanalytical teams drives our integrated solution.

      Watch the Video

      4 Essential Topics to Cover in Your First CRO Meeting

      BLOG: 4 Essential Topics to Cover in Your First CRO Meeting

      Chad Rathlef, Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships, and Lisa Sanford, VP of Business Development, outline how to navigate this pivotal moment and set yourself up for a long-lasting partnership.

      Read the Blog

      Chat with Chris Perkins

      VIDEO: QUICK CHAT with Chris Perkin—One Operational Structure

      Altasciences' CEO, Chris Perkin, discusses how our internal structure differs from other CROs and CDMOs, and how this addresses a major challenge within the industry and accelerates timelines for clients.

      Watch the Video

    Let Us Guide You Through the Process

    Let Us Guide You Through the Process

    Altasciences' experts streamline the IND/CTA application process by designing your regulatory strategy and thoroughly planning and completing your required preclinical studies.

    Whether for a small or large molecule, we provide:

    Want to know more before we get started? This Nonclinical Safety Testing Guide provides key requirements and quick tips.

    Nonclinical Safety Testing Guide

    As a leading CRO, we provide a suite of unparalleled services designed to streamline your path to market. Contact us to get started!

    Related resources you may be interested in:

    Altasciences Manufacturing Services

    Discover the Art of Expert Formulation―From Concept to Clinic

    Start Your Project Off on the Right Foot

    Formulation development drives every phase of early drug development―from concept to clinic. It ensures precise dosing, drug stability, and safety while providing critical data for regulatory submissions.

    This infographic shows how we design and optimize pharmaceutical formulations to maximize therapeutic benefits and ensure the safety of your clinical trials.

    Do you have an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) that needs to be formulated? Contact us today.

    Related resources that may interest you:

    Exclusive Insights on Novel Surgical Solutions in Preclinical Studies

    Surgical Models Tailored to Your Needs

    Check out our latest on-demand webinar presented by Dr. Emily Griffith, DVM, Associate Director, Surgical Services, where we explore how Altasciences’ surgical experts support toxicology and safety pharmacology studies through surgical procedures and model development to achieve your research objectives.

    Webinar: Innovative Surgical Solutions: Safety Assessment Studies at Altasciences

    Want to learn more? Speak with one of our experts.

    Related resources you may be interested in:

    Altasciences' Manufacturing Services

    Ria Falvo and Rina Massarelli in Toronto, Ontario

    Ria Falvo, Director of Reporting, and Rina Massarelli

    Fast-Track Gene Therapy Discovery With Easy Access to NHPs

    Speed Up Your Gene Therapy Discovery at Our Sacramento Site

    Do you need quick, hassle-free access to a large pool of nonhuman primates (NHPs) for your gene therapy discovery work? We make it easy—just a short drive to our Sacramento (California) site, and you can be in our vivarium observing the dosing of your discovery study firsthand. Early and accurate data is closer than you think!

    Backed by decades of experience and expertise, we offer:

    • Vector development and optimization
    • PK/PD
    • Biodistribution
    • Efficacy evaluations
    • Dose-response analysis

    Benefit from access to 800 readily available NHPs:

    • No quarantine requirements
    • Rapid start-up times
    • Easy communication—no significant time difference

    Get your discovery studies underway without delays. Contact us now to get started.

    Related resources you may be interested in:

    Embedded Manufacturing Services

    Immunogenicity Data Delivered Without Delay

    Preclinical Assays for Immunogenicity Testing in Clinical Trials

    Whether developing a vaccine, biologic, or gene therapy, immunogenicity testing is required for regulatory approval and is critical for determining the safety and efficacy of your product.

    Our scientific experts will ensure your nonclinical assays are adapted and validated for your clinical trials, with a tailored bioanalytical program designed for your drug type and study purpose. We focus on the right PK/PD endpoints to ensure regulatory and bioanalytical standards are met.

    For more information on assessing immunogenicity, please browse and bookmark these resources.

    Immunomodulation Assesments for Clinical Trials

    A Comprehensive Guide to Immunomodulation

    In this issue, find out more about the standard classes of immunomodulators, advanced bioanalytical methods, and case studies with practical insights.

    Developing a Strategic Approach to Immunogenicity Assesment

    Purposes and Challenges for Nonclinical and Clinical Studies

    In this edition of The Altascientist, learn about the different purposes and challenges of validating immunogenicity assays to strategically develop a safe and quick approach to support nonclinical and clinical studies.

    Facing Bioanalytical Challenges

    Challenges Encountered in Anti-Drug Antibody Assays

    Find out how we have implemented strategies to overcome matrix interferences observed in disease populations. This allows us to assess immunogenicity in complex clinical studies targeting diverse populations, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each therapeutic's impact.

    Immunogenicity Testing Services

    Tailored Immunogenicity Testing Services

    We cover all essential assays, from characterization to binding specificity, isotyping, and NAbs, while ensuring our approach is adapted to your drug's mechanism of action.

    Ready to book your study or have a question about your study? Speak with one of our experts.

    The Austin skyline along the Colorado river
    The ACT 2024 meeting took place at JW Marriott in Austin, TX

    My fellow Altasciences colleagues and I recently attended the 2024 annual Ame

    How to Decrease Your Test Article Usage in Preclinical Studies

    Less is More With the Sinclair Nanopig™

    Did you know that using the Sinclair Nanopig™ swine model can decrease your test article usage by up to 50% compared to the Göttingen™ minipig and dog?

    Let’s get your project underway with cost-effective solutions and reliable results.
    Speak with one of our experts today.

    Altasciences Sinclair Nanopig Comparison

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