CTS Clinical and Translational Science: The Bioequivalence of Fixed-Dose Combination Tablets of Bisoprolol and Ramipril and its Drug-Drug Interaction Potential

Transitioning Novel Scientific Workflows to Routine Bioanalysis


Join Dr. Anahita Keyhani for a discussion on proactive, effective, and efficient bioanalytical project management, and the positive impact it can have on your drug development program.
Topics covered include:

  • The framework for successful bioanalytical support at various phases and for different types of studies
  • Bioanalytical critical control points (operational, logistical, technical, and scientific) to proactively manage for successful project progression
  • Bioanalytical communication flow and key stakeholders for different types of studies

Watch the webinar

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Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

Safety Pharmacology ― Key Considerations for a Successful Study


In this edition of The Altascientist titled Safety Pharmacology Guidelines and Practicesdiscover how to reduce the use of test animals, save time, and ensure quality data by:

  • Combining safety pharmacology studies when appropriate
  • Including safety pharmacology endpoints in toxicology studies

Read The Altascientist
Speak with our experts to learn more about our combined cardiovascular/respiratory safety pharmacology capabilities.

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Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

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The Issue of Opioid aBUSE

A growing public health concern, opioid abuse has been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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When he’s not starring in Altasciences’ Quick Chat series, Ben Reed is the Executive General Manager of our CDMO solutions, ensuring that


Choosing the Right Partner for Your Formulation Needs

Altasciences’ extensive formulation and manufacturing services, integrated with our early phase drug development offering, spans across the full drug development pathway, from discovery through commercialization. Our scientists have decades of expertise with both simple and complex dosage forms, and a successful track record of formulating molecules and developing the drug products required to support early phase clinical trials.
Discover our full range of analytical services, including: 

  • Drug product release and stability testing
  • Method development, qualification, and validation 
  • On-site, ICH stability storage and testing

Get a head start on your project ― speak with one of our scientists.
You may also be interested in the following:

Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

Clinical Assessment of Potential Cardiac Risk for Your Drug


The thorough and precise evaluation of cardiac effects is a critical element of new chemical entity development. You can choose to add early cardiac safety assessment to your first-in-human studies, or wait and perform a Thorough QT prolongation study; either way, we can help you with the study design and conduct.

In this educational video, Dr. Beatrice Setnik, Altasciences’ Chief Scientific Officer, walks you through the differences between early and late QT prolongation testing.

Watch the video.

The Heart of the Matter - Early vs. Late QT Prolongation Testing

Speak with our experts today for help in deciding between early and late QT prolongation testing.  

You may also be interested in the following: 

Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept.

Antisense Oligonucleotide Quantitation ― Accurate, Robust and Sensitive.


Regulated bioanalytical development for the analysis of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) is showing promise in therapeutic applications for a number of diseases.  

From preclinical to clinical, Altasciences has significant expertise in supporting robust and sensitive bioanalytical assays that minimize interference, for accurate quantification of ASOs in complex biological tissues.

In the last couple of years, our bioanalytical scientific experts have developed close to 100 assays of various matrices, supported close to 100 preclinical and clinical studies at various stages, and analyzed over 15,000 samples in oligonucleotide quantitation.

Speak with an expert today to ensure you are provided with the best bioanalytical techniques for your ASO drug development program.

Speak with an expert today

You may also be interested in the following:

Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

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