There’s a lot of life science content out there, which is why we’ve curated a selection of our expert insights, tips, case studies, and scientific and regulatory information for you. Catch up on what you may have missed below!

Discover the Benefits of Altasciences' Centralized Program Management


Fewer Hand-Offs for Shorter Timelines and Reduced Costs

Imagine the convenience of having a single point of contact guiding you through each step of drug development, from preclinical to early phase clinical studies. When you partner with Altasciences, our program managers work closely with you from the get-go to understand your unique needs and objectives, and deliver tailored solutions that meet your requirements.

Our streamlined approach and efficient coordination ensure seamless integration of activities, optimizing resources and maximizing productivity.

Explore our fact sheet to discover the power of centralized program management with Altasciences.

Ready to get started? Schedule a conversation with one of our experts. 

Gain 6 to 9 Weeks by Conducting Trials in Canada


Taking full advantage of Canada's favorable regulatory landscape, Altasciences’ clinical facility in Montréal continues to be a popular choice, successfully completing hundreds of clinical trials each year.

In this issue of The Altascientist, we discuss the distinct benefits of conducting early phase clinical research on novel compounds in Canada versus other countries.  


The Advantages of Conducting Early Phase Clinical Research in Canada

We cover:
•    Canadian CTA trials–time and cost savings
•    regulatory review process predictability
•    business efficiency cost savings
•    clinical trial participants
•    Canadian CTA frequently asked questions

You may also be interested in the following resources: 

Webpage: Altasciences' Three Clinical Trial Facilities


Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining drug development solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programmes, to offer an integrated/synchronised approach to CRO and CDMO services.



VIRTUAL TOUR: Discover our In-House R&D and Formulation Laboratories


Enhance Your Outcomes With Our Analytical Services

Altasciences’ in-house R&D and formulation laboratories offer an extensive array of analytical solutions to support sponsors’ drug development and manufacturing programs.

Our services include:

•    HPLC/UPLC testing
•    Method development and validation
•    ICH stability storage and testing
•    APIs, excipients, and packaging components
•    Drug product release testing, including controlled substances

Take a virtual tour of our laboratories, or consult with one of our experts to discuss your study needs.

Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining drug development solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

Safety Assessment for Ophthalmic Products

Explore Our Nonclinical Research Facilities


Altasciences’ North American Nonclinical Research Facilities

Our nonclinical research facilities include 585,000 square feet of purpose-built space in four strategically placed locations throughout North America. We provide comprehensive regulatory safety testing, bioanalysis, and other research support services for rodent and non-rodent species. Altasciences conducts over 700 safety studies annually, offering a full range of in vivo GLP and non-GLP safety assessments. Our solutions include pivotal toxicology, safety pharmacology, and laboratory services that meet global regulatory requirements for small and large molecules to support your IND, CTA, NDA, or BLA submissions.

Learn more about our specific capabilities at each of our facilities or consult with one of our experts to discuss your study needs.

Have five minutes? Discover our extensive site capabilities:

•    Webpage: Full Range of Preclinical Drug Development Solutions
•    Fact Sheet: Preclinical Services Capabilities
•    The Altascientist: Planning Your Preclinical Assessment

Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining drug development solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

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