
Miniature Swine Model of Atopic Dermatitis—Assessment of In Vivo and In Vitro Activity of Recombinant Porcine Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-13

Why Use Miniature Swine in Dermal Research?

Geometric Determinants of Full-Thickness Wound Healing in Adult Male Yucatan Miniature Swine

Development of a Model of Dermal Inflammation and Irritation (Urticaria) in Miniature Swine

Dermal Toxicology Application Area Changes as Compared to a Theoretical Total Surface Area of Hanford Miniature Swine Over 18 Weeks

Acute Dermal Irritation Response in White Sinclair and Hanford Miniature Swine

Immunogenicity Target Interference: A Novel Blocking Approach

Development of a Surrogate Cerebrospinal Fluid Matrix for Quantitative Analysis of Antisense Oligonucleotides by Hybridization LC-MS/MS

A Novel Method for Performing Linearity Assessments in Whole Blood Prepared Using a Lyse/No Wash Procedure

Methodological Considerations for the Human Abuse Potential Evaluation of Emerging Drug Therapies with Psychedelic Properties

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