Clinical Trial Monitoring Services
At Altasciences, we understand that your clinical trial requirements are unique, and require careful management. Your partnership with us gives you access to highly experienced and knowledgeable clinical research associates (CRAs) who will provide you with unbiased and objective representation. You can count on our CRAs for top-quality monitoring, as well as agile, flexible processes, and transparent communication. Their individualized attention ensures compliance with your protocol and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) regulations, while securing patient safety and data integrity.
Altasciences’ CRAs are dedicated to monitoring all aspects of your study, from site qualification to closure.
Tailored Monitoring Plans
- Standard On-Site Monitoring
- Remote Monitoring
- Risk-Based Monitoring
- A Combination of Approaches
Comprehensive Monitoring Services
- Source Document Review: To ensure compliance with your protocol and adherence to Good Clinical Practices (GCPs).
- Verification of Electronic Case Report Form (eCRF): Rigorous checks to maintain data accuracy during and in-between visits.
- Analysis of Regulatory Documents: To confirm compliance with all regulations governing your trial.
- Timely Correspondence: For detailed reports and prompt updates on the progress of your trial.
- Study Closeout: Efficient resolution of outstanding queries and the return/destruction of intellectual product.

Our CRAs are conveniently located in close proximity to our clinics across North America and offer clinical trial expertise and experience in multiple therapeutic indications.