Altasciences Full-Service Clinical Trial and Bioanalytical Support

We had the pleasure of working with the Altasciences team on a relative bioavailability study, including clinical pharmacology and bioanalytical analysis, for a treatment for palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP), a rare, chronic inflammatory skin condition with no approved therapy in the United States.

Complimentary Webinar — Critical Sample Handling Processes for Preclinical and Clinical Studies

Sample management at the test facility or clinical site, including sample collection an processing, is a critical aspect of regulated bioanalysis. This is reinforced in the FDA's final industry guidance on Bioanalytical Method Validation (BMV). For meaningful data, every effort should be made to ensure that the analytes' concentration is maintained, from sample collection to completion of bioanalysis.


Equipped with state-of-the-art analytical laboratories and on-site, ICH-compliant stability chambers, our laboratory is ready to handle all your needs.

Our facility offers the standard ICH conditions, as well as custom storage conditions. Our environmental chambers are continuously monitored by Rees Scientific, a centralized monitoring system. Rees Scientific provides us with real-time alerts to ensure samples remain within your desired specifications. All of our stability chambers are on our backup generator.

Current conditions:

  • -80 °C
  • -20 °C
  • 5 °C (walk-in chamber)
  • 25 °C/60% RH (walk-in chamber)
  • 30 °C/65% RH
  • 30 °C/75% RH
  • 40 °C/75% RH


We have the necessary equipment and experience to perform validations of analytical methods in any formulation, valuable to reduce the development time required to get you to a validated method. This helps accelerate your product to the marketplace.

Our phase-appropriate validation protocols are developed closely with your goals in mind. Our Standard Operating Procedures for validation methods are modeled after the guidelines in the USP chapter of Validation of Compendial Procedures <1225>. Evaluation of key parameters is essential to a robust validation. Accuracy, precision, specificity, detection limit, quantification limit, linearity, range, and robustness are evaluated in each validation procedure.

Cleaning validations are also critical to remain compliant, especially in a multi-product facility. We have years of experience in cleaning validation and can help on- or off-site for your projects. At completion of any campaign, cleaning verifications are performed on all equipment to ensure the cleanliness and removal of any active ingredient and cleaning agent.

Whether you need validation for your API, in-process, or drug product testing, we are here to provide valuable expertise for your project.


We offer a full array of small molecule analytical techniques to evaluate your API and drug products. 

  • Dissolution and disintegration
  • Moisture analysis (gravimetric and KF titration)
  • Spectroscopy (UV/VIS/IR)
  • Total organic carbon analyzer (TOC)
  • Viscosity
  • Particle size analysis
  • FTIR

API, Excipients, and Packaging Components

Our raw material services are delivered in a timely manner to meet budget and timelines. We provide all necessary United States Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) and European Pharmacopeia (EP) testing for materials received, with a rapid release from our analytical department.

Our raw material services include:

  • Sourcing
  • Purchasing
  • Logistics
  • Receipt
  • Transfer
  • Sampling
  • Testing
  • Release
  • Packaging
  • QA approval
  • Disposal

We provide high-quality service at the lowest cost with the speed necessary to maintain timelines, with state-of-the-art equipment, procedures, validations, and methods that help us provide quick release testing for all necessary components.

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