Pharmacokinetics in Special Populations

Benefit from our long and relevant experience to create the most efficient study design, and quickly fill the panel with the special population to meet your objectives. We design, conduct, analyze, and report on pharmacokinetic studies in special populations, either as stand-alone studies or cohorts within larger, healthy normal volunteer studies.

We know it is often vital, depending on the indication, for safety and efficacy to observe the pharmacokinetics in different BMIs, genders, or ages. We have the team in place to overcome the challenge of recruiting healthy participants without conflicting concomitant medications, or populations with higher BMIs, or increasing age.

The recruiting teams across our clinics have robust databases to work from, with over 350,000 participants, and are also experts at participant outreach to continually add to our database. We deliver the patient access and relevant expertise you need.

Consult our Special and Patient Populations Fact Sheet


  • Otherwise healthy populations based on age, gender, genotype, BMI
  • 365,000+ participants in our database

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