This is Where the Magic Happens


Discover Our R&D and Formulation Laboratories and Services

Analytical testing plays a pivotal role in all phases of pharmaceutical development. No matter how complex your molecule is, our scientists formulate it and use robust analytical instrumentation and processes to ensure the quality of your in-process or finished drug product, and rapidly advance it to the next phase of development.

Our analytical services include:

  • Method development, qualification, and validation
  • Drug product release testing
  • On-site ICH stability storage and testing
  • Controlled substance testing (DEA manufacturing and analytical license, Schedules I-V)
  • Excipients and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)
  • Packaging components

Take a virtual tour of our R&D and formulation laboratories to see where the magic happens!

Manufacturing Facility Tour

Want to benefit from our services? Book a consult today.

Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining drug development solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.


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