Preclinical Resource Library
A Wealth of Information at Your Fingertips
Altasciences has an extensive understanding and decades of experience in IND/NDA-enabling toxicology, safety pharmacology, and laboratory services that meet global regulatory requirements.
Here are some of our most insightful scientific resources in preclinical development to guide you through every step of the journey:
- Webinars that cover topics related to the potential of miniature swine in preclinical studies, insights for avoiding common pitfalls in early drug development, and effective interpretation of toxicity data for classification.
- The Altascientist — A Scientific Journal that offers insights into the evolving role of miniature swine in preclinical safety studies, effective safety pharmacology practices, and valuable tips for planning successful preclinical assessments to support regulatory submissions.
- eBooks that help you navigate the preclinical regulatory process, identify key milestones for accelerated drug development, and delve into dermal testing solutions.
Speak with an expert today to learn more about our preclinical solution.
Have five more minutes? Check out these web pages:
Preclinical Services
Miniature Swine in Nonclinical Studies