How to Complete Nonhuman Primate Safety Testing Up to Three Months Faster


Are you struggling to schedule safety testing with nonhuman primates (NHP)? At Altasciences, we have secured a supply of research animals, making our study start times for NHP studies one to three months faster than industry norms.  

What we do to ensure NHP supply for our clients:

  • Keep dedicated and diversified Cynomolgus monkey supply agreements in place to allow for faster start-up timelines
  • Continuously maintain and backfill a population of several hundred naïve NHPs at our preclinical facility 

What this means for you:

  • Schedule newly contracted NHP studies to start in late Q1 / early Q2 2022

At Altasciences, we do not rely on a single-source NHP supply chain. We remove the stress of sourcing research animals so that you can start your studies faster.

Contact us to schedule your NHP studies today.

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Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated, synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

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