Antisense Oligonucleotide Quantitation ― Accurate, Robust and Sensitive.


Regulated bioanalytical development for the analysis of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) is showing promise in therapeutic applications for a number of diseases.  

From preclinical to clinical, Altasciences has significant expertise in supporting robust and sensitive bioanalytical assays that minimize interference, for accurate quantification of ASOs in complex biological tissues.

In the last couple of years, our bioanalytical scientific experts have developed close to 100 assays of various matrices, supported close to 100 preclinical and clinical studies at various stages, and analyzed over 15,000 samples in oligonucleotide quantitation.

Speak with an expert today to ensure you are provided with the best bioanalytical techniques for your ASO drug development program.

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Altasciences transforms the traditional outsourcing paradigm by simplifying and streamlining solutions, whether for a single study or multiple programs, to offer an integrated/synchronized approach to CRO and CDMO services from lead candidate selection to clinical proof of concept, and beyond.

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