Bioanalytical Platforms
From small to large molecules, as well as sample preparation automation, Altasciences can help you expedite your study or program, with precise and quality data with a list of our state-of-the-art bioanalytical platforms.
Our three laboratories, located in Greater Montréal, Seattle, and Columbia, have been equipped to better serve your needs. We have a wide selection of bioanalytical platforms for all your assay needs, including: over 30 mass spectrometry systems, LC capabilities, large molecule extraction automation workflows, automation for high throughput, absorbance/fluorescence/luminescence, multiple avenues for multiplexing capabilities, as well as handlers and homogenizers.
See below to learn more about which bioanalytical platform best suits your study or program needs.-
Ligand Binding assays (LBA)

BD LSRFortessa™Flow Cytometer (5 Lasers, 18 Colors) With HTS 96 Well Plate Autosampler
BD Fortessa Flow Cytometer provides rapid multi-parametric analysis of single cells in solution. With five lasers and up to 18 different colors detected simultaneously, cell populations can be analyzed and/or purified based on their fluorescent or light-scattering characteristics.
A variety of fluorescent reagents can be utilized, such as fluorescently conjugated antibodies, DNA binding dyes, viability dyes, ion indicator dyes, and fluorescent expression proteins.
Flow cytometry is a powerful tool with applications in immunology, molecular biology, bacteriology, virology, cancer biology, and infectious disease monitoring.
Also available: BD Biosciences FACS Canto II Cytometer
Applications: Flow cytometry

ImmunoSpot® S6 Flex M2 Analyzer
The S6 Flex M2 is a dedicated four-color FluoroSpot reader. It supports ELISPOT/FluoroSpot testing by enabling high-throughput PBMC viability counting, a rate-limiting step for testing multiple PBMC samples in ELISPOT assays.
The Flex is equipped with optics which, along with CTL’s dedicated LDA Cell Counting Suite, permits live- and dead-cell counting in dozens of PBMC samples within minutes, including calculating resuspension volumes, and documenting the participant’s level of aerobic fitness. Its live-/dead-cell counting ability makes this instrument a high-throughput reader for cell-mediated cytotoxicity assays. It can also automate reading of viral neutralization and infectivity assays in a wide range of well formats.
Applications: ELISpot technology

Luminex® 200 systems
The Luminex 200 system is a compact analyzer that performs up to 100 immunoassays simultaneously using a single drop of fluid, therefore requiring very small samples when compared with other testing methods. Sets of magnetic microspheres are color-coded with combinations of red and infrared fluorophores. Each bead set is coated with a reagent specific to a particular bioassay, allowing the capture and detection of several specific analytes from a single sample. Optics in the compact analyzer excite the internal dyes that identify each microsphere as well as any reporter dye captured, providing quantitation of individual analytes on each microsphere. The analyzer reads many beads from each set, enabling rapid and precise results for several targets within a single sample.
Applications: FACS – Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting

BioTek Synergy™ H1 Hybrid Multi-Mode Microplate Readers
BioTek Synergy H1 is a modular multimode microplate reader, with monochromator-based optics and filter-based optics. It has the capacity for absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence measurements.
The patented Hybrid Technology offers flexibility and sensitivity across a broad range of applications. The modular platform allows upgrading to expand, and offers continuously variable bandwidth monochromators for fluorescence excitation and emission wavelength selection. Fluorescence bandwidth can be set between 9 and 50 nm, in 1 nm increments, allowing users to fully optimize reader settings and drive assay performance surpassing that of fixed bandwidth systems.
Other Platforms: BioTek Synergy H4 Hybrid Multi-Mode Microplate Reader
Applications: ELISA assays

MESO SECTOR® Imagers S 600
The MESO SECTOR S 600 employs an upgraded, ultra-low-noise, CCD camera system and improved electronics for better performance. It features custom-designed telecentric lenses for rapid detection using all MULTI‑ARRAY or MULTI‑SPOT plates. The combination of rapid read times (70 seconds/plate) and the ability to process both 96-well and 384-well multiplex plates makes the MESO SECTOR S 600 ideal for the most demanding projects. MSD has an extensive catalog of complete assay kits, custom assays, and components for assay development formatted on SECTOR plates.
Applications: MSD- ECL (electrochemiluminescence)

Our labs have the capability and capacity for a large variety of cell culture needs and throughput:
- Laminar flow hoods
- Biological safety cabinets
- Incubators, including CO2 Incubators
- Microscope
- Cryogenic storage
Molecular Biology

QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System (Four Units)
A large number of features are incorporated in a small footprint. One of the latest of Applied Biosystems’ thermal cyclers, the QuantStudio 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System has the capacity to multiplex five or six optical channels (21 filter combinations), combined with 10 logarithmic units of dynamic range that allows the detection of differences as small as 1.5-fold.
Applications: qPCR

Bio-Rad C1000 Touch PCR Thermal Cycler (Two Units)
The C1000 Touch thermal cycler offers superior performance and a large color touchscreen for easy programming. This fully modular platform is able to accommodate different throughput needs with easily interchangeable reaction modules that swap in seconds without tools. Each PCR module has a fully adjustable heated lid that supports a wide range of vessels and sealers, including low-profile and standard-height PCR plates.
Applications: qPCR

Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System and Automated Droplet Generator
Digital PCR provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules using EvaGreen or TaqMan Hydrolysis Probes. Droplet digital PCR is a precise and sensitive solution for a wide variety of applications. Droplet partitioning by the QX200 Droplet Digital technology reduces bias from amplification efficiency and PCR inhibitors. Droplets are sipped and the singulator unpacks the emulsified droplets, streaming them in single file past a two-color optical detection system in a serial manner. Up to 96 samples can be processed per run for high throughput.
Applications: ddPCR

Thermo Scientific™ NanoDrop™ Eight Spectrophotometer (Two Units)
Increase your chances of success with efficient analysis of your sample quantity and quality. Ideal for measuring larger number of nucleic acid and protein samples, this unit has the capacity to measure eight samples at a time in less than 20 seconds. Software identifies sample contaminants and reports true sample concentrations.
Applications: Increases throughput and assay quality for PCR applications
Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

Sciex 6500+ Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers
Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers are the gold standard in quantitation of small molecules in complex biological matrices, and are continuously proving their worth for large molecules, as well. The 6500+ from Sciex boasts fast electronics and exceptional sensitivity, providing low limits of quantification (LOQs) to enable the detection and quantification of the widest scope of chemical compounds in the most challenging matrices. SelexION Ion Mobility Technology provides an extra dimension of separation providing even more selectivity, when necessary.
This system is ideal for performing the most demanding applications requiring sensitivity for ultra-low level quantitation of both small and large molecules.
Other Triple quadrupole platforms: Sciex 5500, 5000, and 3000
Applications: Small molecule, oligonucleotide, and protein/peptide quantitation

Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Plus Hybrid Quadropole-Orbitrap™
Thermo Scientific hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometers enable both targeted and non-targeted screening and characterization. With the combination of scan speed, high resolution, mass accuracy (better than 1ppm), spectral quality, and sensitivity you can achieve quantifiable certainty. Sophisticated data-independent acquisition (DIA) and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) deliver reproducible analyses with complete qualitative and quantitative confidence.
Applications: Discovery and Targeted Proteomics / High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Shimadzu Nexera X2 LC-30 Series HPLCs
This system offers high-performance ultra-high-speed LC analysis and the flexibility to allow systems to be configured for a wide range of applications. The Shimadzu Nexera X2 is a flexible system that achieves fusion between UHPLC and HPLC technologies. This system offers speed, sensitivity, resolution, stability, and reliability.

Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish HPLCs
The Vanquish has the flexibility to run HPLC and UHPLC and in capillary-, and micro-flow rates on a single system. It offers outstanding performance for LC-MS workflows, yielding reproducible separations of complex mixtures at maximum performance for a variety of high-sensitivity LC-MS workflows.

Thermo Scientific™ Dionex Ultimate™ 3000 RSLCnano
The Thermo Scientific UltiMate 3000 RSLCnano system provides reproducible and robust analysis for nanoflow applications, yielding extremely high sensitivity especially for large molecule MS analysis.
Automation of Sample Preparation

Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Flex
The KingFisher Flex magnetic particle processors are designed for automated transfer and processing of magnetic particles in microplate format for high-throughput immunoaffinity extractions. The patented technology of the KingFisher Flex system is based on the use of magnetic rods covered with a disposable, specially designed tip comb and plates. The instrument functions without any dispensing or aspiration parts or devices.

Hamilton STAR and STARlet Liquid Handlers
Hamilton's pipetting technology uses air displacement pipetting to achieve high accuracy, precision, and repeatability from sub-microliter to large volumes. With a flexible deck layout, the Microlab STAR and STARlet accommodate a broad range of tools and accessories to further enhance flexibility for any type of assay.
Click below to explore more of Altasciences’ bioanalytical solutions.
Our deep expertise and capabilities in a broad range of therapeutic areas encompasses preclinical and early clinical studies for both small molecules and biologics. We can manage your entire program, as well as provide comprehensive support research services and bioanalytical expertise.